Results for 'Iulia Cindrea Nagy'

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  1.  35
    “The Propagandists are Younger Women” - How Old Calendarist Women Contributed to the Forging of a Religious Identity.Iulia Cindrea Nagy - 2024 - History of Communism in Europe 12:199-215.
    The 1924 Church reform, through which the Romanian Orthodox Church decided to adopt the Revised Julian Calendar, led to dissent movements, mostly comprised of peasants, especially in the villages of Moldavia and Bessarabia. Considering the calendar change a heresy, these groups soon developed into religious communities that came to be known as Old Calendarists, or “stylists,” followers of “the old-style calendar.” Led by defrocked priests and monks who rejected the reform, the groups very quickly became the target of the secret (...)
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    Mark Harrison, One Day We Will Live Without Fear: Everyday Lives Under the Soviet Police State.Iuliana Cindrea-Nagy - 2019 - History of Communism in Europe 10:223-225.
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    From Communists to Rebellious - Repressive Measures and Narratives of the State Against the Old Calendarist Communities in Romania (1924-1939). [REVIEW]Iuliana Cindrea-Nagy - 2024 - History of Communism in Europe 14:161-180.
    After the consultative synod at Constantinople in 1923, the Romanian Orthodox Church agreed to adopt a revised version of the Julian calendar. This meant a break with tradition that brought about a series of crises on a spiritual and political level. Dissent movements, known as Old Calendarist, started to emerge in the villages of Moldavia and Bessarabia; led by defrocked monks, these groups posed a threat for the Romanian Orthodox Church and for the newly formed state and its modernising goals. (...)
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    Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy : décès d'un pionnier de la thérapie familiale.Catherine Ducommun-Nagy - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):131-134.
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    Mohology-Nagy. A BiographyThe Racial Thinking of Richard WagnerThe Golden Age of Italian MusicA History of Philosophical Systems.Sibyl Moholy-Nagy, Leon Stein, Grace O'Brien & Vergilius Ferm - 1951 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 10 (1):86.
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    Moholy-Nagy, Experiment in TotalityPainting, Photography, Film.Cyril Miles, Sibyl Moholy-Nagy & Laszlo Moholy-Nagy - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (4):560.
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    Towards an antropology of communion.Iulia Medveschi & Nicolai Gori - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (46):77-81.
    Review of Sandu Frunză, O antropologie mistică. Introducere în gîndirea Părintelui Stăniloae. București: Eikon, 2016. 176 pag.
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  8. Când Nino vine cu praful de copt.Iulia Blaga - 2002 - Dilema 507:15.
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    Catherine Clement, Julia Kristeva, Femeia si Sacrul/ The Woman and the Sacred.Iulia Iuga - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (6):198-200.
    Catherine Clement, Julia Kristeva, Femeia si Sacrul Editura Albatros, Bucureoti, 2001., 244 pg.
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    Towards a Meaning-Centered Philosophy of Communication.Iulia Medveschi - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):380-386.
    Philosophical counseling is a dialogical practice which aims to explore and elucidate issues that do not fall into the pathological sphere, focusing on: common situations you may experience in daily life, moral dilemmas, existential crises due to lack of meaning or purpose of life, ethical conflicts in the workplace, reconciling present experiences with previous thoughts and painstakingly careful inquiries. Sandu Frunză reminds us that philosophical practices should not be understood as a way to satisfy the counseled person or applying painstakingly (...)
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  11. The international law of genetic discrimination : the power of 'never again'.Iulia Voina Motoc - 2009 - In Thérèse Murphy, New technologies and human rights. New York: Oxford University Press.
  12. Epic.Gregory Nagy - 2009 - In Richard Thomas Eldridge, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and literature. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  13. The liber de causis in some Central European Quodlibets.Iulia Szekely - 2019 - In Dragos Calma, Reading Proclus and the Book of causes: Western scholarly networks and debates. Boston: Brill.
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    Kierkegaard maszkjai II [Kierkegaard's Mask II).András Nagy - 2024 - Korunk 2024 (2):103-114.
    Why did Kierkegaard prefer to write his masterpieces under different pseudonyms and what was the theatrical logic behind the constant playfulness of an author otherwise doomed to melancholy? What were the reasons of his ongoing philosophical, theological and aesthetic hide-and-seek that he did not want to finish until the very last, nearly tragic phase of his authorship? How much inspiration did Kierkegaard receive from theatrical performances, from playwrights and even from actors and actresses of 19th-century Copenhagen, which seemed to be (...)
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  15.  29
    Ethical Perspectives on Mediated Communication.Iulia Grad - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (41):224-242.
    Starting from the premise that nowadays media has a privileged status in the way we relate to the other, the paper explores the ethical challenges raised by the growing mediated nature of communication. Since the mediated communication calls for a multidisciplinary examination, the article uses conceptual tools offered by a different framework. First, we draw on M. Buber’s ontology of relation in order to discus mediation in terms of authenticity. Then, we analyze different views on the special dynamics of the (...)
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  16.  46
    The Enduring Influence of a Dangerous Narrative: How Scientists Can Mitigate the Frankenstein Myth.Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich & Ed Finn - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (2):279-292.
    Reflecting the dangers of irresponsible science and technology, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein quickly became a mythic story that still feels fresh and relevant in the twenty-first century. The unique framework of the Frankenstein myth has permeated the public discourse about science and knowledge, creating various misconceptions around and negative expectations for scientists and for scientific enterprises more generally. Using the Frankenstein myth as an imaginative tool, we interviewed twelve scientists to explore how this science narrative shapes their views and perceptions of (...)
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  17.  27
    Religion, Advertising and Production of Meaning.Iulia Grad - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):137-154.
    An important part of the world we live in is represented by symbols, and mediated images and mass media are the main sources of the symbolic material used in the process of shaping the postmodern self. The cultural industry and the communication technology are growing rapidly and they capture important areas located until recently under the tutelage of traditional social institutions such as the family or the church. If we think of the contemporary society in terms of the weak theology (...)
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  18. Truth, Reconciliation and Settler Denial: Specifying the Canada–South Africa Analogy.Rosemary Nagy - 2012 - Human Rights Review 13 (3):349-367.
    Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is tasked with facing the hundred-year history of Indian Residential Schools. The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission is frequently invoked in relation to the Canadian TRC, perhaps because this is one of the few TRCs worldwide that Canadians know. Whilst the South African TRC is mainly applauded as an international success, I argue that loose analogizing is often more emotive than concise. Whilst much indeed can be drawn from the South African experience, it (...)
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    Sunetul era lumina..Iulia D. Dinu - 1997 - Iași: Editura "Noel".
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    A Christian Philosophical Perspective on Western Civilization.Iulia Grad - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (25):192-194.
    Emil Brunner, Christianity and Civilisation. Foundations and Specific Problems. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co. 2009.
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    Michael Zank, New Perspectives on Martin Buber.Iulia Grad - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (19):255-259.
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    Zygmunt Bauman, Comunitatea. Cãutarea sigurantei într-o lume nesigurã (The Comunity).Iulia Grad - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13):171-173.
    Zygmunt Bauman, Comunitatea. Cãutarea sigurantei într-o lume nesigurã (The Comunity) Prahova: Ed. Antet, 2005.
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    Stephane Moses, Sistem si revelatie. Filosofia lui Franz Rosenzweig/ System and revelation. Franz Rosenzweig's Philosophy.Iulia Iuga - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):159-161.
    Stephane Moses, Sistem si revelatie. Filosofia lui Franz Rosenzweig Bucuresti, Ed. Hasefer, Colectia Judaica, 2003.
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    Lucian Ionel, Sinn und Begriff. Negativitat bei Hegel und Heidegger.Iulia Mîțu - 2021 - Studia Phaenomenologica 21:392-395.
  25.  7
    A Viselkedéskultúráról.Katalin S. Nagy (ed.) - 1984 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    Life strategies of modern ukrainian students: methodological approaches and classification.Iulia Zablotska - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 67:97-104.
    Life strategy in personal dimension could be identified as a complex phenomenon, which includes main key dimensions and categories that characterize person’s life and behavior. Life strategy is a way of life self-determining, self-establishing, self-expression and self-organizing as well as the ability to bring living conditions according with personality own values and individual uniqueness. The student life strategies directly connected with higher education. Author’s sociological research examines the main features of life strategies of modern Ukrainian students. In the article, the (...)
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  27. Algebraic Emergence.Attila Egri-Nagy - manuscript
    We define emergence algebraically in the context of discrete dynamical systems modeled as transformation semigroups. Emergence happens when a quotient structure (coarse-grained dynamics) is not a substructure of the original system. We survey small groups to show that algebraic emergence is neither ubiquitous nor rare. Then, we describe connections with hierarchical decompositions and explore some of the philosophical implications of the algebraic constraints.
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    Political Brand, Symbolic Construction and Public Image Communication.Iulia Medveschi & Sandu Frunza - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (49):137-152.
    A brand is a complex construction. In addition to its tangible and intangible dimensions, it implies an intrinsic relational dimension associated to any brand building process. The relational dimension is even more visible in the case of the political brand. The political brand brings with it a symbolic construction in which the experience of a diffuse form of sacredness is central, by the presence of the inadequate report specific to the manifestations related to the sacred representations. On the one hand, (...)
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  29.  37
    Settler Witnessing at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.Rosemary Nagy - 2020 - Human Rights Review 21 (3):219-241.
    This article offers an account of settler witnessing of residential school survivor testimony that avoids the politics of recognition and the pitfalls of colonial empathy. It knits together the concepts of bearing witness, Indigenous storytelling, and affective reckoning. Following the work of Kelly Oliver, it argues that witnessing involves a reaching beyond ourselves and responsiveness to the agency and self-determination of the other. Given the cultural genocide of residential schools, responsiveness to the other require openness to and nurturing of Indigenous (...)
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    Rumination, but not mood, predicts prospective memory performance: novel insights from a derived measure of trait rumination.Iulia Niculescu, Lance M. Rappaport & Kristoffer Romero - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (7):1103-1113.
    Prospective memory (PM) is the accurate execution of an intention in the future. PM may be negatively impacted by negative affect, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Rumination may increase the frequency of task-irrelevant thoughts, which deplete attentional capacity and reduce performance. To date, no studies have examined state and trait rumination on an online measure of PM. The present study examined the effects of state and trait rumination on an event-based, focal PM task embedded within a one-back task over (...)
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    A Collective Emotion in Medieval Italy: The Flagellant Movement of 1260.Piroska Nagy & Xavier Biron-Ouellet - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (3):135-145.
    The purpose of this article is to open a dialogue between research in social sciences concerning collective emotion and historical investigation concerning a religious and political movement of the...
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    Creating with AI: On recent debates about authorship revisiting the influence of Barthes and Foucault.Iulia-Dana PUȘCAȘU - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:49-60.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) models are now capable of producing artifacts that mimic human creation, such as visual art, text or music. The remarkable sophistication of these results reignited the debate on authorship, calling into question issues such as intent, originality, autonomy or aesthetic engagement. I will present and explain the main positions on authorship that have emerged from this questioning, drawing on Emanuele Arielli’s recent account in AI-aesthetics and the artificial author (2023). Furthermore, I will show how Roland Barthes’ The (...)
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  33. Hymnic Elements in Empedocles ( B 35 DK = 201 Bollack).Gregory Nagy - 2006 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 24 (1):51-62.
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  34.  18
    Équipement technique ou objets d’art? Du geste outillé dans la cérémonie du thé japonaise.Iulia Toader - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 24 (2):99-108.
    Dans les années 1900, la cérémonie du thé fut érigée en art total, comme la quintessence même de l’esprit japonais. Par-delà le biais des enjeux politiques de cette artification, le discours académique portant sur la cérémonie du thé a également été perméable à l’esprit contradictoire inhérent à cette pratique. Nous tentons de dépasser ces difficultés par une vision réticulaire de l’art telle que la défend Simondon dans sa techno-esthétique, tandis que la Glass Tea House Mondrian de Sugimoto Hiroshi offre une (...)
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  35.  18
    New Light on the Additamentvm Aldinvm(Silius Italicus, Pvnica 8.144–223).Benjamin C. Nagy & †Janice M. Lee - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):271-292.
    The authenticity of the Additamentum Aldinum (Sil. Pun. 8.144–223) has long been a matter of debate. While many scholars have expressed doubts that it is by Silius and suggest rather that it is from the hands of a skilful humanist, it has not, up to this time, been possible to provide solid evidence to support their intuition. This paper not only re-examines the standard arguments for and against authenticity but brings the latest computational stylometric techniques to bear on the question. (...)
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    Modal expansions of ririgs.AgustÍn L. Nagy & William J. Zuluaga Botero - 2025 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 33 (1):74-94.
    In this paper, we introduce the variety of $I$-modal ririgs. We characterize the congruence lattice of its members by means of $I$-filters, and we provide a description of $I$-filter generation. We also provide an axiomatic presentation for the variety generated by chains of the subvariety of contractive $I$-modal ririgs. Finally, we introduce a Hilbert-style calculus for a logic with $I$-modal ririgs as an equivalent algebraic semantics and we prove that such a logic has the parametrized local deduction-detachment theorem.
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    Az inkognitó lovagja: Kierkegaard-tanulmányok.András Nagy - 2021 - Kőszeg: iASK.
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    A magyar esztétika történetéből: felvilágosodás és reformkor.Endre Nagy - 1983 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    « Décoloniser les théories des émotions? », Samyukta. A Journal of Gender and Culture.Piroska Nagy - 2018 - Clio 47:276-278.
    La courte réflexion qui suit est suscitée par un numéro spécial de cette revue indienne interdisciplinaire, publiée par une maison d’édition dont le nom dit bien la raison sociale : Women’s Initiative, à Thiruvananthapuram, au Kerala. À l’origine de la collection, un séminaire international qui eut lieu en novembre 2015, avec pour titre Decolonizing Theories of Affect, organisé par le centre d’études des femmes de l’Université du Kerala. Il convient de noter que le terme adopté par ce séminai...
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    Les caractéristiques de la terminologie des sciences relatives à la famille du point de vue de l’extraction terminologiqu.Ágoston Nagy - 2013 - Ostium 9 (4).
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  41. The seuso.Mihdly Nagy & Endre Toth - 1990 - Minerva 1.
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  42. Zeit und Erfüllung: Untersuchungen über die Sprache der vernünftigen menschlichen Praxis.Lajos V. Nagy - 1975 - München: Francke.
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    Exporting Culture in the Global South - Cinema as Economic Diplomacy.Iulia Popovici - 2025 - History of Communism in Europe 15:87-107.
    The oil crisis at the end of the 1970s and, soon after, the sovereign debt crisis of socialist Romania had a huge impact on the domestic cultural system—mainly through austerity mechanisms of cutting production costs and increasing minimal mandatory revenues. One effect was the reshaping of cultural exports and exchanges on new, market-oriented bases, meant to also support the economic reorientation towards the Global South. In this article, I intend to follow the way the Romanian communist regime used culture, in (...)
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    The Algebraic View of Computation: Implementation, Interpretation and Time.Attila Egri-Nagy - 2018 - Philosophies 3 (2):15.
    Computational implementations are special relations between what is computed and what computes it. Though the word “isomorphism” appears in philosophical discussions about the nature of implementations, it is used only metaphorically. Here we discuss computation in the precise language of abstract algebra. The capability of emulating computers is the defining property of computers. Such a chain of emulation is ultimately grounded in an algebraic object, a full transformation semigroup. Mathematically, emulation is defined by structure preserving maps (morphisms) between semigroups. These (...)
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    A filozófia.József Halasy-Nagy - 1944 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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  46. Politika és erkölcs.József Halasy Nagy - 1939 - Budapest,:
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    Development of acquisition and 24-h retention of a directional one-way active avoidance response in infant Swiss mice.Z. Michael Nagy, James Chien-Shih Ku & Kenneth J. Porada - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (1):5-8.
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    Evidence of relational retrieval, even in the absence of the relational eye movement effect.Márton Nagy & Ildikó Király - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 66:40-53.
  49. Jog és irodalom: az előkérdések tárgyalása.Tamás Nagy - 2005 - Szeged: Szegedi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar.
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    Global Disparity and Solidarity in a Pandemic.Anita Ho & Iulia Dascalu - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):65-67.
    While the domestic effect of structural racism and other social vulnerabilities on Covid‐19 mortality in the United States has received some attention, there has been much less discussion (with some notable exceptions) of how structural global inequalities will further exacerbate Covid‐related health disparity across the world. This may be partially due to the delayed availability of accurate and comparable data from overwhelmed systems, particularly in low‐ and middle‐income countries. However, early methods to procure and develop treatments and vaccines by some (...)
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